School is stressful. Finding just the right clothes, attracting just the right people, taking all the right classes — the list is endless.
Our pets may not feel precisely the same back-to-school pressure, but there are times they can definitely relate. The upside to being a pet, though, is that you pretty much look cute no matter what you do or wear. Humans, not so much.
Here are 10 pets so are so scholastically relatable it hurts.
1. One of the most important garments to own is a school-themed shirt, and this kitty wasted no time in getting hers. She’s adorable in it.
2. Remember when you were in high school, and everyone just had to have this amazing backpack? This pup got hers, and it makes her look both studious and spectacular.
3. I wore glasses all through high school, but they never made me look half as cute as this pup does.
4. Some boys look cute even in those old gym tees that they’re given to run track in. This is unfair, because everyone else who wears them looks like a castoff from the thrift bin.
5. Clothes aren’t all that matters when it comes to image. Having the wrong hairstyle can be a pupularity killer, for sure. Lucky for this dog, mohawks are in.
6. Remember when you were little and you really dressed up for the first day of school? This pup nailed it.
7. That panicked moment you get up to do your first class presentation and realize you put on only your harness.
8. Boy, do I remember how tiring homework feels.
9. This dog sums up precisely what it feels like to wake up in the morning just before you have to get ready for school. Pretty sure I see a skip day in some doggy’s future.
10. Not sure about any of you, but I didn’t look half as cute as this girl on my graduation day. Of course, my friends and I did have a wee celebration the night before.
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