Month: January 2018

A blood transfusion may be necessary when a pet’s red blood cell count is too low. By: groesswang What do you know about blood transfusions in pets? You probably have an idea they are possible, but you’re not sure of the how, why and where. It’s time to raise awareness of blood transfusion medicine for
The skin is the largest organ a body has and that goes for cats as well as humans. The skin can be directly affected by disease and parasites or it can display symptoms that are related to a disease in another body part. Here’s a quick overview of feline skin conditions and what you can
Bingwa is truly a champion among cheetahs! The Saint Louis Zoo just announced that its four-year-old female big cat, whose name means “champion” in Swahili, gave birth to a record-breaking litter of eight cubs on Nov. 26, 2017. In a press release from the zoo, the birth is said to be “remarkable” and “important for the
Patience and compassion are key resolutions this year. By: Felix_Broennimann A new year, a new set of resolutions. Now that the holiday season is winding down, I’ve had some time to think about what this next year will bring — and what I can bring to it. Here are my top 10 new year’s resolutions,
Cats are evolutionary masterpieces of design. They have evolved in such a way that many of their characteristics, including behaviors, are multifunctional — helping to increase the odds of survival. Cat scratching marks territories, it communicates conflicted feelings and it maintains nail health. Cat whiskers feel wind directions, broadcast moods and help cats navigate. But
Emma Eng is here to prove that true love for animals has no expiration date. There is a way you can care for needy creatures, no matter your age. For 93-year-old Eng this means a lot of knitting. According to KING5, Eng put her knitting needles together in late 2017 and set to work making
Caring for a special needs cat can help you learn more about their condition. By: normalityrelief Peggy Sue “was thrown out of a car window, covered with cigarette burns,” Lisa Ruoppolo of Hope Alliance Inc. recalls. The cat was actually diagnosed as having post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and “has very bad anxiety.” So she’s on