Looking for a way to celebrate our feline friends this month? Here are some fun May cat activities.
NOTE: Due to the coronavirus pandemic, many events have been cancelled. But here are some virtual events you can check out.
All month: National Pet Month; Chip Your Pet Month
Meet lots of breeds virtually from TICA. Photo by Getty Images.
TICA Virtual Cat Shows
The International Cat Association will be putting on several virtual cat shows this month. Learn more at tica.org and facebook.com/groups/TICAVirtualCatShows2020.
Saturday, May 2: Angel Pets Expo
From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (EST), this expo will be presented online, featuring many vendors and presentations. Visit angelpetsexpo.com for more information.
Sunday, May 3: Specially Abled Pets Day
Cats know they’re the best, even if they’re specially abled. No tail, no leg, no eye – no problem! Cats take it in stride. Show your love and respect for these special felines by adopting a specially abled pet into your household, or spread the word on how pawfully perfect they are on this, their special day. Learn more at speciallyabledpets.com.
Sunday, May 3: Virtual Adoption Showcase
Join Last Chance Animal Rescue from the comfort (and safety) of your own home to learn more about the rescue’s available pets. Foster caretakers will showcase their pets and answer questions about them, while event leaders will answer general questions about adoption. Learn more here.
Tuesday, May 5: Cinco de Meow
Williamson County Animal Center in Franklin, Tennessee, is excited to announce that the Cinco de Meow Virtual Cat Festival will take place virtually on its Facebook page. From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., tune in for a day of education and live kitten play sessions. Professional cat behaviorist and author Pam Johnson-Bennett will be joining in live to answer questions. Visit springhillfresh.com/event/cinco-de-meow-virtual-cat-festival for more information.

A cat watching a human do yoga. Photography ©fizkes | iStock / Getty Images Plus.
Thursday, May 28: ARF’s Cats on Mats Virtual Yoga
If you miss going to your yoga studio, Tony La Russa’s Animal Rescue Foundation (ARF) has the answer! Starting today, ARF will have its first session of Cats on Mats Virtual Yoga. Registered yoga instructor and ARF volunteer Marie Ramagli will guide you through a virtual session every Thursday. Registration fees will go directly to caring for ARF’s shelter animals. Get more information here.
Top Photography: Voren1 | Getty Images.