We wonder what first attracted Jojo the monkey to Alan the kitten. It must’ve been the tail, right? And even though Jojo’s tail is prehensile, we imagine the superficial similarity was enough to spark a deeper bond once this sweet pair got to know each other better.
Jojo is a long-tailed macaque rescued by the Wild Friends Foundation Thailand in 2011. The organization saved him from a restaurant where he was kept in a small cage and used as a prop for customer photos.
Fast forward six years and Jojo is living a happy, stress-free life as the leader of a troupe of rescue macaques at the wildlife center.
Enter Alan. Last week, the young black-and-white domestic cat wandered into a field where the macaque crew live and befriended Jojo, even sharing food with the monkeys.
Normally WFFT would not encourage such interspecies relationships, but decided to make an exception this time.
“Although this is not an ideal situation and something we do not encourage, Alan is unharmed and Jojo seems to love him, so we have decided to leave them together,” reads a blog post on the WFFT website.
Adorably, Jojo also enjoys grooming his adopted kitty pal. (We assume Alan enjoys this too, because, cats.) Basically, they love to play and do everything together because they’re best friends now.
Hey guys, if you’re looking for a human third wheel, call us!