This article was co-written with OdorKlenz. Check them out for all your cat urine cleaning needs. From litter additives to urine removal products, OdorKlenz can help you keep your home free of cat urine stench.
Using Products You may Already Have At Home to Remove Urine Smell In Carpet
For starters, there’s a very good chance you already have some very useful, non-toxic products in your home that can help get rid of urine smell in your carpeting. Take a look to see if you have the following for an initial action plan.
1. Household Liquid Dish Soap
Using a clear, eco-friendly/non-toxic brand is recommended.
2. White Vinegar
Best for neutralizing cat pee smell/urine odor in carpet, although vinegar smell may linger.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Helpful for killing bacteria in carpet, but not always effective with pee smell in carpet. Also, this substance can bleach/whiten some fabrics so use with caution and test in a hidden area before applying in a more visible place.
Baking Soda
Best used with/after vinegar or hydrogen peroxide for removing cat urine smell from carpet.
If you can – act fast!
If you’ve caught your cat in action or the carpet is still wet with urine, first take some paper towels or a rag and pat the affected area with the towel/rag to remove as much cat pee as possible from the carpet before you begin to treat.
Tip: If you have a carpet steam cleaner, you can use it to remove cat pee as you would with paper towels/rag. You could even use it for a superficial cleaning before the pee smell removal process if you have a non-toxic carpet cleaning shampoo. It is not a good idea to use a steam cleaner with household dish soap on carpet, as the cleaner will create too much interfering foam.
Tip: Use hydrogen peroxide to get rid of any obvious stains (typically associated with older, dried cat pee smell).
After the initial cleaning
Once you’ve done your initial soap-based cleaning, apply baking soda to the damp area by evenly, steadily shaking the container to disperse power evenly over affected area. Be liberal with the baking powder. The baking powder will get damp. This is fine.
Leave the baking powder there as long as you can, as it takes at least a few hours to let powder become effective in removing urine smell. For more intense cat pee smell in carpet, leave baking powder on overnight.
Tip: It is best to keep animals away from the spot isolated while this process is taking place. Close a door or cover smaller spots with a paper towel to keep free of traffic.
After you’ve given the baking powder plenty of time to work, keep it on the cat pee area and move onto cleaning the spot (as it is) with a vinegar solution. A mixture of white vinegar and water to create a non-toxic solution is a vital step to actually get rid of cat pee smell in carpet.
The strength of recommended mixture depends on how strong the cat pee smell in the carpet is. You can mix 3 parts water to 1 part white vinegar for first time/one-off cat urine issues. For persistent issues to get rid of cat urine smell in carpet, try 1 part water to 1 part white vinegar.
As stated in the products list above, vinegar is the component that is best for neutralizing the actual cat pee odor. Once mixture is created, apply to area.
Tip: Using a spray bottle is great for even application.
Foaming in your carpet is normal when adding vinegar mixture to the powder left in carpet. Let mixture set into carpet for around ten minutes before you begin to clean up with paper towels/rag. Again, use your carpet cleaner if you have one for optimal extraction. Be sure to clean extraction container immediately after you are done. Additionally, if using a spray bottle, be sure not to leave leftover solution in the container as some of the household products recommended above can cause air to expand in a sealed container.
If You Still Can’t Get Rid of Cat Urine Smell in Carpet
Your carpet has been effectively cleaned at this point. However, if the above recommendation does not work to your satisfaction and you are still wondering how to get cat pee smell out of carpeting, there’s still hope! There are a number of products on the market that were created for removing cat urine smell from a carpet. You will find a handful of products at your local pet store or even at your grocer, including any box store like Walmart and Target.
Tip: Since the smell is persistent, you may actually have cat pee smell that has made its way into your carpet padding and/or sub-flooring.
The trick is finding a proven to be effective product that is also non-toxic that will combat all remaining issues with the smell. Online, there are a few companies that only focus on making these types of products. These are the companies and products you want to zero in on. More specifically, you want to find a company that is selling cat urine smell removal products based on science and technological research.
Developing products for pet odor removal
OdorKlenz is a company with a long history of using advanced technology to develop everyday, non-toxic household products. Theses include pet odor removal products with its EnviroKlenz brand. EnviroKlenz does not use enzymes in its cat pee elimination products. EnviroKlenz has at least two OdorKlenz products that are effective and highly touted by consumers.
OdorKlenz’s Source Odor Treatment is highly recommended for getting rid of the most stubborn cat pee smells in carpet. For those of you that suspect you have issues that have seeped beyond your carpet to padding and floor, there’s the well-received reputation that accompanies OdorKlenz’s Subfloor Treatment Kit.
Tip: These treatment plans and products will not be cheap. They will run between $19.99 and $29.99. Keep in mind, you will not find a product developed on this level or costing less than this, especially in your local stores.
When considering products and how to get cat pee smell out of carpet or under the carpet, you’ll notice OdorKlenz is unique in the way that their cat urine smell removal products use the latest technology founded by thoroughly researched and science-backed innovation. OdorKlenz uses earth mineral ingredients like Magnesium Oxide, Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide and is the only company that details its ingredients. Tip: OdorKlenz does not add chemicals to its metal oxides. By not using enzymes (that can be corrosive), these products are safe with natural and synthetic fiber carpets.
Why is Your Cat Peeing Outside of the Designated Area You Have Provided?
Now, worse case scenario if the household products don’t come through, the OdorKlenz products will remove the cat pee smell from your carpet. However none of the recommendations in this article are going to be cost effective and permanent if your cat pee smell is caused by an ongoing behavioral situation with your cat. You need to know how to get cat pee smell out of carpet, AND keep it that way.
Here are a few things to consider about what your cat may be experiencing to make it pee outside of a litter box or designated area. Remember, your cat shows distress, anxiety and health issues differently than you do.
Medical Issues
When it comes to inappropriate peeing outside the litter box, the most common cause is health-related. Lower urinary tract inflammation caused by either bacterial infection or crystals in the urine are often at fault. The cat feels pain when using the litter box and tries to avoid the pain by urinating elsewhere.
When dealing with a cat who’s peeing on the carpet – or anywhere out of the litter box – the first person you should contact is your veterinarian. Get Kitty checked for illness and treated as may be necessary. Only then can you move on to explore other options.
Older pet? In many cases, if you are having to learn how to get cat pee out of carpet with an older cat, it could be an actual health problem. Kidneys are something that older cats may have issues with, and incontinence is another.
Other things which can make a cat avoid the box
Cats can develop litter box aversion for a number of behavioral reasons. Basically, anything that can stress the cat out may trigger litter box avoidance. Which is why you need to look for any recent changes in the cat environments.
Have you added a new, additional cat in your home? Cats can be very territorial and if you didn’t properly introduce the cats, you may have a serious problem. Follow this guide to learn what to do in the case of an unsuccessful cat introduction.
No new cat? Keep looking for alternative sources of stress in Kitty’s life and work on reducing stress levels.
Adjusting the litter box settings
Are you keeping up with cleaning the litter box? This is self explanatory, but if you have multiple cats, or just added an additional cat to your family, be aware of the need to remove waste more frequently as the box will fill much quicker. Cats will be more finicky when they have to share space to pee. Check out our guide about how frequently to clean the litter box.
There are other aspects of litter box setup and maintenance that you need to be looking into.
If you truly take the time to investigate your cat’s behavior like you have done to find effective ways to get rid of the cat pee smell itself, you’ll find yourself in a win-win situation. If you need more help, check out our complete guide about solving litter box problems.