Month: April 2020

Looking for fun ways to spend time with your cats and get crafty at the same time?  DIY puzzles and games are fun to build and provide your cat with fantastic mental exercise. Just remember it’s important that cats be supervised while playing with these games to make sure they are playing safely and appropriately.
Can you ace our pet health quiz? Photo: mohamed_hassan Think you know a thing or two about pet health? Well, let’s see about that. Test your knowledge with our 5-minute pet health quiz. Some of these questions are easy, but others may leave you scratching your head. Get all 8 correct and consider yourself an
Everybody poops. Like us humans, cats prefer a clean, quiet place to do their business, and we can provide the litter loo experience of their dreams if they could give us a little direction. With that in mind, here are eight key litter box etiquette commandments as explained by cats. Photo: Lightspruch | Getty Images
Raise your hand if you’re spending a lot of time reading at home these days. Us too. Here are some books for cat lovers to read while self-isolating. We hope you enjoy. Cats Rock: Felines in Contemporary Art and Pop CultureThe cat has beguiled artists for generations with her beauty, mystery, grace and, let’s face
Pounce on these ameow-zing new cat products. Scratch Play Meow’s ScratchLadderNot your typical cat scratch pad, this four-rung system is designed with interchangeable panels providing your cat with a variety of scratching surfaces to enjoy. Inspired by kitty Milo Fwancis, the ScratchLadder is handmade and comes in three versions. Panels available in pile carpet, sisal
When it comes to Easter baskets and pets, please be careful. Photo: Spiritze Who knew a rabbit could kill? If the Easter Bunny leaves a basket of chocolate treats where a dog can find it, things could end badly. Indeed, Easter baskets and pets should be kept well apart, or you risk to trip to
Looking for a way to celebrate our feline friends this month? Here are some fun April cat activities. NOTE: Due to the coronavirus pandemic, many events have been cancelled. But here are some virtual events you can check out. All month: Pet First Aid Awareness Month; Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month Monday, April 6: National
A stray cat wandered to the perfect home when he needed help. Chatons Orphelins Montréal Stephanie, an animal rescuer from Montreal, Canada, keeps a couple of cat shelters in her backyard for local strays every winter. Right before the cold weather hit the area, a neighborhood cat showed up and sauntered into her yard. He
The best thing about social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic is the opportunity to be homebound with our cats.  great opportunity to spend quality time with your cat doing things you love, like bingeing your favorite shows on the couch, but also finding ways to spend time together by playing games.! Related: Coronavirus and Cats: