A kitten who was rescued from the outdoor life, found a warm lap to nap on. He was so happy that he purred himself to sleep.
Lisa Krakosky
Milk Dud aka Dudley was rescued during a TNR (trap-neuter-return) project earlier this month. The hungry little kitten walked right into a humane trap for food. It was then he bid farewell to life on the streets.
Dudley was estimated to be around two months old at a TNR clinic. He was disheveled and just skin and bones, weighing less than two pounds. Lisa Krakosky, a foster volunteer of Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando (in Orlando, Florida), learned about his plight and stepped up to help.
She took him in with open arms. The kitten was all cleaned up, got a full belly and a comfortable bed to nestle in. It didn’t take long for him to adjust to indoor life.
He switched on his purr motor, blissfully kneading on his warm bed while getting petted.
Lisa Krakosky
Over the next few days, the kitten continued to blossom. “This little guy has become my shadow. If I sit down, he instantly crawls into my lap. If I’m walking around, he follows me rubbing against my legs and plopping down on my feet,” Lisa said.
Dudley has become a full-fledged lap-cat and a full-time cuddle-bug. He makes sure Lisa’s lap is never empty when she sits down. Wherever she is, he is right there with her like her most loyal companion.
Lisa Krakosky
“Dudley is a young kitten with an old soul. He doesn’t like to play much but he is the king of cuddles,” Lisa wrote. “I’m confident this little dude would sit in your lap all day if you let him.”
The sweet kitty loves nothing more than being with his humans. “Last night, he watched a Christmas movie in bed with me and just snuggled against my chest the entire time making biscuits.”
(Scroll down for video)
Lisa Krakosky
The tuxedo thrives as the center of attention in the house. “Dudley would do best adopted into a home either by himself as the only pet or with other calm pets,” Lisa said.
“His ideal home would be an adopter that works from home or a home where people have alternating work shifts. Dudley craves attention and will require copious amounts of cuddles.”
Lisa Krakosky
No more worries about food and shelter…
Dudley the purr machine can’t wait to find a place to call his very own.
Lisa Krakosky
Dudley will be available for adoption through Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando, click here for more info. Follow the Lisa’s foster kitties on Instagram and Facebook.
Watch this cute video and hear his purrs:
Kitten from street life to warm lap
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Related story: Cat Who Was Rejected for Being a Lap Cat, Finds Family that Loves Him and Can’t Stop Cuddling